Home Projects Journey


Guest Speakers

Each week guest speakers "our local heroes" inspire our kids with wisdom they have learnt from their walk in life. That inspiration is then applied in the project builds and new technologies whetu learns during the week.


Our first guest spaker was Dylan. Dylan inspired Whetu to build their first app prototypes. Four teams and four great ideas.


Week 3 was focused on individual pathways. Chris inspired us with knowing and walking out his purpose. This week whetu built their own github profiles.

This is Whetu's group github page and below are links to their individual github pages

...More to follow

Mayor Sheryl

Week 4 has begun with an amazing visit from our Mayor Sheryl. Sharing her wisdom and aroha for our youth. Inspiration to build a digital platform that captures the voice of our youth in Whangarei is now a goal to complete before graduation.

Ask the neffs page is in development - An entrepreneurial page to link businesses with our students digital abilities...

Watch this space!